Empty Nesters



Empty Nesters

You may have been single for a while now but never really worried about meeting anyone because ‘life’ was happening. Working/career, bringing up children… just navigating and negotiating your full and busy life was more than enough. Then comes a time when the children become independent young adults and there’s more time to think about you and what makes you happy as an individual.

You’ve managed so well on your own and have built so much independence, so maybe you are not immediately (or ever) seeking marriage, not even moving in with someone. You are however probably ready to EASE YOUR WAY BACK INTO DATING.

It can be a frightening prospect: stepping out of one’s comfort zone to enter the dating world. It’s easier to just be single… Or is it? RULE NUMBER 1: don’t overthink it.

There are plenty of other single men and women who are in a similar situation. These capable, sensible people do not want dating to be hard work, nor the process to be demeaning as is often found on impersonal internet dating sites.

These people join Solutions Matchmaking for all the right reasons and are committed to giving this a good chance to work. You will meet people who are happy to meet you with an open mind and without pressure. Consider this a great way to practise your dating skills and give you an unlimited opportunity of finding someone special.

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