We provide a unique matchmaking service and invite you to call in to our office for an OBLIGATION FREE coffee & chat.

Find Someone For Me

"I met, and was interviewed by Vi, who clearly took a personal interest in my social position. The ladies I subsequently met were very sociable, well presented and engaging.

After three or four dates, I met my current partner of similar age, interests and pursuits.

It is interesting that Solutions don't provide photos of prospective dates. This makes this very intriguing when you first meet your date. By now we have phoned, made a time and place, and likely described each other to assist in finding each other.

Then on the day, it's exciting to locate and identify your date.

I thoroughly recommend Solutions for meeting and socialising with prospective partners.

Regards, R"


"The team at Solutions are excellent, follow up in no time, and with their help I have found my special someone with a good change for a mindful relationship. Thank you team, from D&W"


"Thank you to Vi and staff at Solutions Matchmaking 'G' and 'K' have been seeing each other now for just over 2 months. We have just returned from a great long weekend in Sydney and we are very happy.

The whole process is very transparent and respectful. We both were introduced to a number of potential matches before we met and have enjoyed the process. G"


"Good morning Vi and team,

It's been a long time since we have communicated and now we have some amazing news to share with you.


Our first date was January 2022 where we met for a coffee that led to dinner straight away.  There was an instant connection within the first half hour.  Our next dates to follow were exactly the same.

We have travelled within WA and visited our families over East to which they are all happy for us.  As we both mentioned in our profiles that we enjoy caravanning, we have recently purchased a caravan and started living the dream.  We both share the same morals and integrity as well as Italian food due to our Italian heritage.

We would sincerely like to thank you for bringing us together.   Your matchmaking capabilities were 'spot on!' 

Kind regards

 R & S"


"I have been with Solutions for just a short while, and they have been simply superb with their level of service and follow-up attention. I have been treated with respect and empathy from the start, and matched with a very lovely lady with whom I am developing a great relationship. Can recommend most highly! 'J'"


"Vi, I would like to say thank you, your business model is excellent and I found the money that I paid well worth the effort even though I did not find a partner. What I gleened was that I was able to work out what type of partner I was looking for or not looking for. I found this to be a very important aspect. I will recommend to other people your services. Thank you for being the person you are, I am sure you will help a lot of people in the future. Kind regards, 'E'."


"Hi Vi, 'B' and myself, we are very happy together and are creating great memories. It is a wonderful match and I could not have matched with a more beautiful woman. Thank you for your services. Regards 'V' and 'B'."


"Hello matchmakers, 'L' and I are very grateful that you have matched us as we have now decided to become a couple. ... we are both definitely in love with each other and it's the most wonderful feeling at out ages of being wanted and cared for and having a companionship that I have with 'L' and he with me. ... This man now means so much to me he calls me his number one. He makes me feel very special... and he's going to learn to dance so I can't ask for more than that... thank you for our happiness. 'B' and 'L'."


"Hi Vi, I would just like to thank you and your crew for the opportunity to meet so many lovely ladies over the past months. Your organisation has been professional and courteous throughout my journey... Kind regard, 'G.'"


"I'm really happy with your service so far, it is much more than I expected" - From 'S'


"My first date with “K” started on 1st of April this year (no joke) and whilst she was busy with family, grandchildren and some teaching, we managed to see each other regularly, attending concerts dining and generally getting to know each other. We have had short stays down south and Rotto and look forward to a positive future together. Owing to prior arrangements we are both in Europe (separately for now) but will have a meet up in London to meet some of my family, catch a Concert or two and a bit of sight-seeing before heading home to Perth.  It has been a steady growth experience which I have great faith in being a lasting loving relationship. We are grateful to Solutions Matchmaking for the introduction after a long journey towards happiness.... Best regards, 'N.'"


"Hi ladies, just wanted to let you know me and 'T' got married and had a fantastic reception with all our friends and family. 'T' and l love each other very much and are looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together and have many wonderful plans for our future. We would like to thank you very much for matching us up as you have given us the opportunity to fall in love and compete our lives in wedded bliss. Gratefully yours, 'T' and 'G'"


"Thank you and your team for all you've done thus far, for at the moment I am very impressed and happy with this positive outcome. Kind regards, 'K'"


"Hi Rhiain, Yes, I am very happy with my match 'D'. We can't get enough of each other. overall, the experience with Solutions has been excellent. If the right circumstance arises, I will certainly recommend Solutions to friends. Warmest regards, 'G'"


"I can not endorse Solutions Matchmaking enough for their professionalism and attention to detail in finding the best possible matches for me. Their many years knowledge and experience in the industry provided my journey with confidence in knowing that i was in the best hands, forget online dating services where you are JUST a number. Solutions Matchmaking carefully select the right matches with professional and personal business models focusing on my individual criteria and requirements.
Their follow up and reply to my requests was courteously and professionally handled by management and staff to provide the best possible outcome in which enabled me to find my perfect match."


"'D" and I have turned towards each other, now starting to face the rest of the world somewhat together. I am very happy. Thank you. Meeting people this way taught me a lot about myself. Some I had the honour to get a little close to. I hope to stay in contact with some of these good people... Warmest, 'G'"


"To Solutions, 'F' and I met up and I found her to be a perfect match for me and I will be contacting her to arrange another meeting shortly. this seemed to be mutual feeling between us, so fingers crossed. I am very happy with your services. yours sincerely, 'G'."


"Hi Vi, Thank you so much for matching 'C' and myself. We are very happy and enjoy being together. Last night we used our restaurant voucher and enjoyed a wonderful celebratory meal together. Sending you thank you pictures of two very happy people. 'K' and 'C'"


"Thank you for introducing us. A great match. We are very much enjoying getting to know each other and experiencing the many interests we have in common. 'W'"


"Vi, thank you: how bizarre that the very last match for me, after all this time was 'A's' first! You've bent over backwards to find me a match - achieving what I'd begun to think was unachievable: please thank your staff too, you're a real powerhouse Vi, take a bow! Sincerely, 'N'."


"Hi Vi and the team, I would like to thanking you for this opportunity and find 'S' for me. I would like to recommend your service to anyone that need to find their match. Keep all the good work Solutions Team helping people find their people. Regards, 'E'"


"Good morning Vi. Just a short message to say thanks. I think that 'K' and I have hit a home run and we are having a great time. Will keep you posted. 'C'"


"Hi Solutions, Just an update from me. 'E' and I have enjoyed over 12 months together. Full of love hugs and laughter. 2 x Valentines Days. Its been a Great match. We are still together. Regards, 'S'."


"Thank you for the professional friendly way you conduct your business. 'H' and I are dating and we are going to see what the future can hold for us. I will recommend Solutions to anybody seeking a matchmaking service. Thanks again for the service you provided. 'G. L.' - a happy customer."


"I just want to say that all the people I've met have been absolutely lovely and very respectful. It is truly a unique and exciting experience. Regards, 'K'."


"The staff at Solutions Matchmaking have been professional and courteous, and prompt. Also it has been a very profitable experience for me.... Thanks again mt best regards, 'N.B.'"


"Hi Vi and the crew at Solutions, Wishing you all an amazing 2023. I want to thank everyone who was a part of my journey to find my special companion and hopefully, my lifelong love. A special thanks to you Vi for your patience, kindness and compassion. Kind regards, 'V'"


"Hello Vi, A joyous letter from 'G' and 'R'. We were always going to let you know that we bonded and how we were going but we also wanted to allow time to cement our relationship so now is the time to express our thanks to you. We are sincerely grateful for all the matches you passed through to us. We needed to meet a number of people to allow us to determine what worked for us. We are very different in so many ways, 'G' is an Aries and her life of socializing, travel and family is, amazingly, in harmony with 'R'. On the other hand 'R''s a Capricorn, and lives a much more planned, organized and predictable life that resonates with 'G'. Notwithstanding all that what cemented our relationship was predominantly the longing for love, affection and caring. We systematically worked on all the other attributes and then the connection fell into place. We were very open and transparent with each other about all our past and current experiences and from the outset developed a mutually strong communicative spirit. We also want to thank you for the advice you gave us along the way..... and for encouraging us to stay the course.... which of course we did resulting in a bond that's now unmistakably set for the rest of our lives. So once again we wish to thank you for everything. Kind regards, 'R' and 'G'."


"Good Morning/Afternoon Vi, Just touching base and give you some feedback, Both myself 'D' and 'C' have now been together over 1 year now. 'C' lives with me now and we are very happy, We have a fortnight in Vancouver and a Cunard inside passage Alaska booked for mid 2023, Thank your taking the initiative so many years ago in setting up Solutions, We are very happy thanks to you and we both wish you and your staff a Merry Xmas  Regards 'D' & 'C'"


"We want to thank Vi and Solutions for bringing us together. Coming from different walks of life, we wouldn’t have cross paths if not for Solutions. Solutions made our match based on our love for dogs, passion for golf and common outlook to our value of life. Two years on, since our first meeting in April 2021, we still hold the love and respect for each other. We are confident in our solid relationship and excited to be building a future together with our furry babies." 'S' & 'J'


"Thank you Vi and team. As you said, “it only takes one person” ! Never thought my very first match would be so lovely and have such a strong connection with me. Into our week three and going strong. Decided to invest the time and focus on one another and see where we can take this friendship. I would have never met my match any other way so I’m very glad I acquired Solutions  matchmaking services. Definitely and highly recommend it for everyone who’s serious about finding the right person without the hassle of screening profiles via online dating platforms. Specially busy professionals. I feel very positive about my match and regardless of how things turn out I’ll continue using your services if/when needed. Now off to have some fun and explore the possibilities with my handsome lover man💘 Thank you 'E' "


"Hi I'm seeing 'T' we are very fond of each other and we talk every night on the phone I see 'T' a couple of times a week and we have been on numerous outings, 'T' is a very private type but I know that she very much loves me as I do her but for now she will only admit it to me and I am happy enough with that. 'G'." 


"Hi Viola and everyone at Solutions,
I kept meaning to email you to let you know that 'S' and I are still together. We are coming up to our first anniversary of our first meeting. I don't know that either of us expected such a great outcome. We are very happy together and still love each other's company. We spend a lot of time together and both our families are very welcoming to each of us. Thank you again for bringing us together.
Regards, 'B' "


"There is only one solution to overcoming loneliness in later life and that is at Solutions of Mt Lawley where life can begin again. 

Provided by 'T' & 'P' (soon to be wed)" 


" 'G' and I met and spent 4 hours together on our 1st meeting. He is really nice, very humble and respectful, and we got along really well. We like the same things, even the same foods. 

You can put my file on HOLD as we would like to see more of each other. 

Kind regards 'R' "


" 'T' has been a successful date. He is such a lovely man, everything I am looking for. We have been on several dates and phone regularly ... we are hoping this could be the start of good things to come. 

Thank you for my match with 'T', I couldn't be happier at this point.

Regards 'S'."


"Good morning Vi,

I thought I would touch base with you regarding my relationship with 'D'. I am pleased to say that we are true Soulmates, and are having a lovely time getting to know each other. He is such a beautiful, caring man. So thank you for matching me to D. It is a perfect match. Merry Christmas.

Cheers, 'C'."


"Hi Viola and girls, 

I am still seeing 'T', things are going very well I can't believe my luck. I will put my account on HOLD as I can't see any point in seeing anyone else. 

Kind Regards, 'P'."


"Hi matchmaking team, 

I met 'L' in East Fremantle for coffee. What a delightful lady! We chatted non-stop and laughed a lot as well. We have lots of mutual interests. We have arranged to meet again. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting her and spending a very happy couple hours together. 

Regards, 'G'."


"Hello everyone at Solutions.

Here is my update with my most recent introduction. We met for coffee. We had a great 2 hours together with a huge amount of laughter. He didn't seem in a hurry to go. We talked non-stop about a huge range of topics… A very easy and interesting man to talk to. Definitely one of my best introductions and we're catching up again next week.  As I've said before, over the last few months you've given me some excellent introductions to some wonderful men, a few whom have become friends. I feel I've been extremely lucky to have had this time with Solutions and I thank you for your efforts. I've very much enjoyed it all.

With best wishes, L."


"Good morning Viola and team

Your match making skills are amazing!  It has taken me by surprise, but 'G' and I are now seeing each other often, and everything is going really well.

Very best regards 'J'."


"Hi Vi, I just want to bring you up to date regarding 'D' and myself. We are continuing to date, and it's going well. Thank you for matching us, he is a very nice man. 

Regards, 'C'."


"Hi Vi, I saw 'M' last night for dinner. 

The meeting went well. I believe we will catch up again. Thank you Vi for the ongoing work of both you and your dedicated team. I do appreciate it. All the ladies you have introduced me to so far have been first class. I can not fault any of them. Vi and the team provide a wonderful service over almost 30 years. You are responsible for turning dreams into reality. All the best to you and your team Vi for the work you guys do. 

Kind regards, 'G'.


Good morning, Ladies,
Just a heads up to say a BIG THANK YOU for your match with 'C'. We are going to continue seeing each other. Please for now put my file on hold. To me she is the perfect match. And she literally lives a 5 minute drive from my house. She is a really, really nice lady. Again, I thank you Vi, and the ladies in the matching department. Hope you all have a great Xmas.
Regards, 'D'."


"Hello Vi and ladies, 

I think I have some very good news. Just had a lovely long lunch with 'R'. It was our 5th date. I think he is a winner! We seem to get along really well and enjoy each other's company. I am really looking forward to spending more time with 'R' and getting to know him more. 

Many thanks, 'J'." 


"Hello girls, just letting you know 'M' and myself are still going well . We have been on about nine dates, I have cooked for her and she has cooked for me. We talk so easy and our past lives have been so similar. Both married for forty years before losing our partners. She makes time for me which is great, she is a lovely, intelligent, easy going woman. We have not had a hic up. I like her and I think she likes me.
Thanks 'B'."


"Last October, a friend recommended Solutions Matchmaking of Mount Lawley. I phoned the director and after chatting to her for a few minutes, I made an appointment to meet her. A formal, very professional interview followed. Her searching subsidiary questions followed my answers to earlier leading questions; building a picture of my personality and describing the kind of relationship I sought.  She explained how she and her staff would introduce me to ladies with profiles and personalities that complemented mine and who also had similar views as to the partnership that they were looking for. Then she took my photograph. I was impressed. After settling the financial aspect, the director said that in due course I would receive a standard form introducing the lady Solutions Matchmaking believed could be a match. If I wished to meet her, the lady would in turn be sent my profile and, if she agreed, I would be sent her contact details. The rest was up to us. If the match failed, the agency would introduce another lady. Though I was most impressed by all the ladies I met, the first six 'matches' did fail. I contacted the director who assured me that this was normal. Her staff continuously refined the selection process. There would be more matches. “Don't give up" she said. In mid-November, I was introduced to B''.

The match is perfect: we have similar goals and values, and we share interests and cultural activities. We are very fond of each other. Solutions Matchmaking had ticked all our boxes.



"Hello Teagan and Caitlyn,

 Thank you for asking me to provide my comments on how I found Solutions Matchmaking, back in February 2020. Right from the very first telephone contact, I never felt pressured and was completely at ease. It took me some 6 years after my gorgeous wife 'J' passed away to work up the courage to seek the help of Solutions to find another companion with whom to spend the rest of my life with. From my very first contact with Solutions I knew I was dealing with people who were genuinely trying to match couples. My face to face interview with Viola was amazing! She was going through my profile and point by point we discussed each one deeply so that she could get a good understanding of the type of person I was. This of course was to help her go through her records and try and find possible matches for me. It did not take long before I was sent a list of several potentially suitable ladies to contact and arrange a meeting with each one. I had a lot in common with all of the Ladies I met, but it took only minutes for me to know that 'M' was the one I would want to keep seeing and develop a relationship with. Viola was right when she sent me 'M's' contact details. She told me that this lady had a lot in common with me and after the first meeting, 'M' and I couldn't wait to set our next date.  Now, over a year later, we are still together and we are planning our wedding for mid 2022. Obviously the analysis that Solutions perform to match couples is the key! Thank you Solutions! We could not be happier!

 Regards, 'D' ."


"About four years ago, I re-joined Solutions, near three years after my husband died. During those three years I had suffered a 'stroke', fortunately not too debilitating. After my initial interview an ad was in the Have-a-Go News, containing a Solutions' ad with regard to a '73 year old woman who enjoyed life and gardening'. 'W's' sisters saw the ad and told him 'J' was the girl for him. He braved the chance to meet me and I suggested we meet at Avocadoes on Brookton Hwy. Our first meeting was most successful and we spent the day together, coffee first, then lunch. Then a visit to my one acre Camellia garden. After we went to Bigga Trees at Pickering Brook, then dinner at the Rock Inn at Karragullen. From than time we became a couple, with me still living at Roleystone and 'W' in Golden Bay. For us the distance has not been a problem. 

I am very grateful to Solutions. "  


"Hello girls,

Just wanted to let you all know that I have found the most loving, caring kindest and most considerate man I could ever wish for and we are just soooo happy together. Thank you to everyone for making this all possible for two oldies!!!

Kindest regards, 'B' and 'G'."


"Hi Caitlyn, 

Thank you for your email. I have some very good news for you & the team. My last introduction was to 'D' four & half years ago, we were married last April during the pandemic shutdown. Consequently, we were limited to only two guests, which were our witnesses. It was still a beautiful day & we are very happy to have made the commitment to each other. So many thanks for that introduction as he was definitely my perfect match. 



"Matched with 'A'. She lives in Baldivis, we met three years ago, & loving every minute. 'R.D'.


"Hi Caitlyn. 

My name is 'L.P', I am in a relationship with 'K.C' & we are very happy. We met for coffee on the 27th October 2016, it was an instant connection. 

Please let Viola know, 'L'."


"We all dream of finding love. In this fast-moving society, it can be even harder than ever to find that special someone. The anonymity of the internet can lead to all sorts of deceptions and disappointment so I tried Solutions Matchmaking! “We are pleased to present you with the following details of a member who has shown to be suited to you." His profile concluded with “would love to meet a special lady and make each other laugh." Well, we have laughed and talked and hugged. They were spot on leading to results that fulfilled my highest expectations. This is the man I have waited all my life to meet. Of course, there are some differences: its vita brits for him as opposed to my gluten free coconut & cinnamon Weet-Bix. Somehow, I think that we can get past that. Thank you, Solutions!  It has been a couple of months now and Jeff and I continue to be amazed by our good fortune to have found each other. This would never have happened without Solutions!

Thank you, Yours sincerely, 'M'."


"Hi Vi,

 I just want to say a very big thank you to introducing me to 'K' and how much my life has changed because of our introduction.  What a wonderful man and everything I was hoping for in a partner. I will definitely being referring your company to my other single friends and I hope they can find their ideal match when the time comes. Please also thank your support staff in helping us achieve our dreams. 

Kind regards with love 'D'.


"Hi Girls,

 I wish to advise that I have found love with 'D'. Naturally, I don't wish to receive any more matches. However, I would like to continue catching up with a few of the ladies with whom I have formed friendships. Cheers, 'K'."


"... 'B' and I are so happy the way things are going for us, so we have both come to the conclusion, that it's ok for us to start seeing each other more often, things have really gone so well for us and we are both very happy being together, we both have had a few health problems, but we are supporting each other other in a beautiful strong relationship through it all. We are going from strength to strength. Thank you all and especially Vi, for what she has done for us to meet and grow so strong for each other. 'B' and I would like to wish you all the very best, you've done a fantastic job getting us together and we will forever be grateful for that, it's amazing how two individuals have got together from strength to strength through your guidance. 

Thank you once again. Yours sincerely, 'C'."


"... I do truly thank you for all the introductions. It is a very necessary service you are offering. My best friend met her partner through you several years ago and they are very happy. Once again thank you, Regards G."


"Using Solutions was a new experience. Being a more mature gentleman and stuck in the bush, my opportunity to meet a new partner was limited. Solutions provided a safe platform to meet likewise partners. Rhiain and Vi are brilliant. Efficient, thoughtful, caring, encouraging and positive. Meeting others was good fun. A compatible match doesn't happen overnight. With Solutions thoughtful matching they helped me find my goddess. I would strongly urge anyone seeking a partner to contact Solutions. Thank you heaps Rhiain and Vi, R"


"...You will be pleased to know that 'K' and I are still seeing each other - in fact I can't see him enough and am totally smitten. He is the perfect person for me and I am looking forward to lots more fun and laughter with him. So... no more matches for me however I would like to thank you all so much for arranging our introduction. Wishing you well in your business and hope you have lots more success stories. Thank you all, 'S'.


"I am still seeing 'J' and all is going very well. There was a special spark between us when we met some six weeks ago and I am please to say it is getting stronger each time we meet. ...Many thanks - kindest regards, 'G'


"I joined Solutions Matchmaking several months ago, right from the start I had such a positive experience. Viola, Rhiain and Teagan are extremely confident and gifted at their profession. I've met with some outstanding guys, before they introduced me to 'R'. We are now really happy together, it has been so much fun. Can't thank you girls enough. Kindly M"


"I had been single for about 8 years when my friend recommended "Solutions" to me. Viola very quickly sent me details of possible matches, I could tell that she genuinely cared about my happiness. I was able to meet some very nice, decent men but somehow never made a connection with them. Then after a few month I was matched with 'D' and my whole life changed - no more loneliness! We had our first meeting on Valentine's Day - a very good omen I think! Twelve weeks on after many very long telephone conversations and many catch ups we are totally comfortable with each other and both excited to see all the good things the future may hold for us. Heartfelt thanks to you Viola and Rhiain for giving me the opportunity to find my "once in a lifetime love". Sincere thanks, 'M'."


"I am currently seeing 'N'... we are going well together and speak daily and catch up 2-3 times a week. We both see a nice future together thanks to Solutions. Regards, 'D'."


"Dear Viola, I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that I proposed to 'M' on Saturday, which was our 1 year anniversary, and she said yes. We are both very excited to be getting married and are looking forward to planning the wedding. Thank you for bringing us together. Best wishes, 'M'."


"... I know it's very early days but wanted to say many thanks to both you and Vi for looking after me so well.  K."


"Just to compliment your great service and say thank you for allowing me to stay on the guest list. I have found the older style matching has a charm and flair around the process.  I have always promoted Solutions in a positive light. And will continue to do so. The guys I have met are all decent and genuine looking for the right partner. So thanks again I do appreciate the matches I receive. 😊😚☺💙💜 W."


"If you want to find a soul mate, all the staff at SOLUTIONS are professional at being able to do that! Your very good friends 'H' and 'L'."


"I joined solutions about February 2017  after a lot of negative thoughts and lonely times. After talking with Viola she put my mind at rest and assured me there is some one out there for everyone. I met some lovely men, then I met my partner 'S'. The moment we met it was like we had known each other for a long time. That was 2 years ago. We have so much in common and we are looking forward to a long  and happy future together. Thank you Viola and her supportive team. We are so happy. 'J' & 'S'.


"We are a mature age couple and its not always easy to find like minded people but with Solutions help we found each other. The team at Solutions were very sensitive, caring, understanding and were continually in contact  with us. We are very thankful to Solutions for putting us in touch with each other as we are very happy together. In the time we have known each other we have found we have a lot in common , in particular we enjoy travel and have planned a few overseas trips This year.  Its time to enjoy life and have fun!! Thankyou Solutions. From 'K' and 'R'."


"Hello 🙂 I'm just writing to say a big thankyou for your kindness and help and just niceness through out my experience with u and your company. I have been lucky enough to randomly meet and start a relationship with a young lady outside of your system but that's no bad mark on any of u . Your friendliness and just supportive way made my experience with u all nothing short of a joy and I will definitely be putting your name forward to anyone I come across looking for love. Thankyou again I hope u have a nice weekend. S."


"Dear Solutions, As a senior, I feel safe using Solutions Matchmaking to meet met who are looking for a woman for company at outings, and maybe more. The staff have given me personal attention, and treated me with courtesy and respect, rather like a personal acquaintance. Thank you Solutions, you really are the solutions for me! Cheers, 'E'."


"Thankyou Rhian Merry Christmas to you and Vi it's going to be a great Christmas. Thankyou for introducing K to me he is a lovely partner. All the best for the new year. M and K x"


"Dear Vi, you will always hold a special place in our lives for the role you played in ensuring that our paths crossed. Wishing you the very best of Christmas. Warm regards, M & M."


"Hi Rhiain, I would like to thank you and Vi for what you have tried to do for me... your form of matchmaking is excellent and I recommend Solutions to anyone, I have felt very comfortable with your system... thanking you both again and wishing you the best in the future. Kind regards, K."


"I really appreciate your style of engagement, and the seriousness and sincerity with which you undertake your business model. It comes across quite clearly to me.... I will be very happy to refer clients to your service. R."


"I am very grateful for you having introduced M and I. I have seen M everyday since we first met... except for two days. M is magnificently magnificent. Kind regards, M."


"Dear Viola, In 2006 through your dating agency we had the opportunity to meet one another. We married in 2008 and have had a lot of adventures together since including a short spell of living back in New Zealand. Back to Australia we came in 2016 and toured this vast country in a motor home. Returning  to Perth we experienced  some House Sitting and now have settled in Rockingham. I have to thankyou for the opportunity  of meeting each other. Although  at first it is so difficult putting ones self out there, so to speak, it was so worth the risk. Thankyou Viola. B and T."


"Hi Rhiain, A and I are delighted to let you know that we were married at Sittella Winery, Herne Hill, on 25 August. Thanks again for introducing us. Regards, D and A"


"Thank you for your help it is very much appreciated. You do an amazing job and I will recommend you to my single friends. Kind Regards, T"


"Hello Vi & Rhiain, I would like to thank you both for our match up. It is 6 months since we met and have enjoyed each others company a lot. R."


"I have realized that I never properly thanked you for my 'match'. You aligned me with J around May last year and she is a great loving person. “Thank you Vi" Take care, R"


"Thank you so much for all the gentlemen you introduced me to. Unfortunately, none resulted in a romantic connection, but it was wonderful for the experience and practice communicating with men... I've met some really nice men, but am still looking for a special someone that could evolve into a romance. Thanks heaps, L."


"Hello again Viola and Rhiain, A and I are delighted to announce our engagement. Our wedding is planned for 25 August 2018, so we are busy making arrangements. Regards, D & A"


"Recently I thought I better pick up the phone in gratitude for putting me in contact with Cheryl. Well as you can probably tell by these photos (not published) we hit it off pretty well! Such was our instant attraction and certainty that we had found each other at last.

 We have often told each other it was fate that we would meet one day somewhere.  Maybe at a concert or the park – it turns out we were at many events at the same time but hadn't had the fortune to meet. But in reality it was actually you guys that made it possible. Thank you so much for joining the dots and getting it so right! Now happily married, with fantastic kids and an adorable but very naughty doggy, we feel so blessed, and very thankful.

 Kindest Regards, 'C' & 'C'."


"I am feeling wonderful.   A workmate who had transferred to another department and came back for drinks last Friday said I look happier and was 'glowing'.  I put it down to the fact I am getting out and enjoying myself.  I am having a lovely time with the gentlemen you introduce me to and although none are potential romantic partners yet… I'm not in a rush and the confidence I am gaining after each meeting is a bonus…. Thank you so much from L"


"A and I found we have a lot in common, we both have met members of each other's families who wish us the best of luck for the future. We hope our dream does not end. R"


"Things are going really, really well with B at the moment.. I'm really happy and enjoying his company and companionship. How long for? I have no idea. Let's just take it one day at a time..... Currently I think he's gorgeous and the best thing that has happened to me for decades and I think I have something to offer him. S."


"I would gladly recommend your services to others and I just listened to your new radio commercial on Curtin FM this week. Solutions provides a very valuable service and should be congratulated for that. Cheers, B."


"Thank to you and Vi for all your services and your unique matchmaking skills and insights on what makes two people a possible match. I'm delighted with what you've both done for me! Sincere, B."


28th November 2017 - " In regards to our loving and committed friendship... we continue to share love and commitment as we further discover our mutual likeness and I would hope we grow old together. Thank you and have a great day, D and Y."


27th November 2017 - "Thanks to you, we got married in Japan this June. After that, we went on a trip about two month by Golden Princess from Osaka to Sydney. We are living in Margaret River now with too much happiness. We say again for many thanks. Kind regards, A and R."


24th November 2017 - " A. and I will be celebrating six months since we first met next week. Regards, D."


23rd October 2017 - " All going well with D. It may have taken 20 months but I feel I have found someone special. D feels the same way, too. Regards, T."


28th April 2017 - "Everything is perfect with A. I've truly met the most wonderful, amazing guy and I look forward to our future together. B."


17th January 2017 - " Your professional eye made a union from two pieces of Pie and with a silver tongue guided a match. And now with chemistry clicked and boxes of compatibility ticked. It's a wonderful thing to report, that now a lasting bond is the retort. So hugs and kisses should not be just for us, but also for you Vi and your trusty team for seeing the reality of a dream. And now a perfect Pie is healed and lavishly creamed for a future sealed. With gratitude from P and G."


7th December 2016 - "Thank you for introducing M and I as we have been together ever since we met and are very happily married. Kind regards, Mrs P.C." 


13th February 2014 - " We are very happy indeed. Thank you so much, we could not have done it without you. Cheers, P and D."


22nd November 2013 - " Thank you for all your help in my search for a partner. I met a lot of really nice men. I have met and found my partner. His name is M. I will not require any more assistance. Thank you again for your help. Yours sincerely, J."


8th November 2013 - "I have been seeing R. since 21st August (our first date) and am absolutely the happiest I've been in ? (forever). So thank you very much and if it turns out to be a 'happy ever after' story we'll send you pictures of the wedding. Cheers, J."                                                                             

27th July 2012 - "Myself and J. are very happy together and are planning a very bright and happy future. You're the best. L."        


8th May 2012 - " Just thought you'd be interested to know that myself J married my first match S last week on 26th April. We are very happy together. Kind regards, J"


6th September 2010  - "I have fallen head over heels in love with J. She is an absolute delight. We are sharing so much together and loving every minute of the journey. I am the happiest I have been for the best part of 10 years and am determined to make the relationship work. I am proud to have her by my side!! The wait was worth every second. Thank you for encouraging me to persevere!! I owe Solutions "big time"! Sincere regards, S."


29th April 2004 - "Our hopes were entrusted into your hands. Your caring enthusiasm has brought us together like two needles in a haystack. We wish to thank you sincerely from the bottom of our hearts for the way you bring care to your profession. All the very best to you. C. & D."                                                    


15th March 2000 - "I was hoping to meet a tall dark and handsome farmer... charming and kind with similar interests as myself...(horses, horses, horses..._ Well, thanks to you, I met him on about my third contact through you, but I wish to say you made a mistake somehow as I asked for a non smoker... and the man I met smokes 30 a day! Anyhow, I do forgive your error as we are very much in love, happily married, with a gorgeous 10week old daughter. We both say we wish we had met each other 20 years ago, but, better late than never. Cheers and best wishes, A and I."


27th February 2000 - " Thank you for the introduction in December to J. We are very happy together and in February we became engaged. We plan to marry sometime around September. Once again, thank you. All the best, J and J."            


16th April 1997 - " Just a short note to thank you. In August 1995 I joined your service and my first contact was C. We met on the South Perth foreshore and since that day we have had a beautiful friendship and relationship. We have been engaged for some time now... I was a first time lucky and consider my money very well spent. once again I thank you. T."        


23rd July 1996 - "K and I would like to let you good ladies know that we have just got married. Thank you for making it possible for myself to meet K. Regards and all the best, H."   


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